Mining and Energy
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Meet our Services
In today’s world, Audit quality is of fundamental importance for maintaining trust in the financial reporting process and the integrity of organizational information. That is why HLB’s Audit & Assurance professionals are committed to ensuring that audit and assurance projects meet a high level of quality standard.
The other assurance services are to provide our experience and added value through the evaluation and analysis of financial and/or non-financial information and to inform the Company Management los hallazgos of the corresponding findings regarding Merger & Acquisition's requested research services.
Managing a business conveys meeting challenges and an adequate decision-making, which requires continuing innovating strategies, methodologies and technologies to be able to increase productivity and enhance competitive advantages.
Tax & Legal
To help businesses grow across borders and create sustainable competitive advantage, HLB offers a wide range of advisory services including Transaction Advisory Services, Technology Services and Management Consulting.
Accounting Outsourcing
Today more than ever companies must focus their efforts on achieving their objectives as a business; that is why our Firm has developed a staff of professionals to efficiently assume the outsourcing of the accounting area and even certain administrative functions.
Payroll Outsourcing
Today the staff is the most important asset of the company and requires the Human Resources area to concentrate its efforts on the development of future business leaders and to maintain an adequate working climate, freeing itself to a greater extent from repetitive tasks such aspayroll, liquidation of social benefits,...