Out of the woods – Manufacturing 2023 Industry Outlook


Manufacturing Services Sector Outlook – HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2023 Key insights from the manufacturing sector: 46% of leaders identified the supply chain as the top weakness they need to focus on over the next 12 months.  41% are simultaneously focusing on survival and transformation with 46%% focusing on transformation alone for the next 12 months.  40% see Integrity as the highest essential leadership behaviour  51% believe climate risks will increase … Read More

How real estate is rising to the sustainability challenge


How real estate is   rising to the sustainability  challengeThere’s been a sharp rise in the number of people who live in cities. The United Nations projects that two out of every three will live in such an urban centre by 2050. This growth puts the sustainability spotlight firmly on these areas and underlines the need for change. Regulators and planners need to … Read More

Find out the latest legal and tax news for March


HLB Perú Noticias Legales y Tributarias ENTRA EN VIGOR LA PRIMERA DISPOSICIÓN COMPLEMENTARIA FINAL DEL DECRETO LEGISLATIVO N° 1523, RESPECTO DE LA MODIFICACIÓN EFECTUADA A LA NOTIFICACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA SEGÚN EL CÓDIGO TRIBUTARIO A partir del 01 de marzo de 2023, para efectos tributarios, la oportunidad en que se considera efectuada la notificación electrónica es a partir de la fecha del depósito … Read More

A year of two halves for the Australian IPO market


A year of two halves for the Australian IPO marketBy Marcus Ohm, HLB Australia Volatility in the broader market had a significant impact on Australian initial public offerings (IPOs) in 2022. After a record-breaking year in 2021 and a strong start to 2022, the second half of the year saw the number of IPOs drop significantly, with just 28 listings … Read More



IFRS V UK GAAPBy Charlotte Langdon – HLB UK Which accounting standard should you use? When preparing a set of financial statements in the UK there is a choice of accounting standard to apply in order to comply with UK Companies Act 2006. Broadly the choice is between UK GAAP accounting standards and International Accounting standards (IFRS). UK GAAP is … Read More

How ESG can add value to a not-for-profit strategy


How ESG can add value to a not-for-profit strategyBy Israel Tannenbaum, HLB USA Due to the growing competition for funding within the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, innovative approaches to making an impact and sustaining growth should be at the top of your agenda. One of the ways you can drive value is by incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles deeper … Read More

Leadership in stormy times — Duplicate


Liderando a través de una tormenta perfectaBlog del  CEO de HLB, Marco Donzelli Just when we thought things were looking better again after Covid, many businesses around the globe are now in the midst of a perfect storm of new challenges including a war in Europe, hyperinflation, and an energy crisis.  Our annual HLB Survey of Business Leaders confirms that risks to growth … Read More

Leadership in stormy times


Leadership in stormy timesBlog del  CEO de HLB, Marco Donzelli Just when we thought things were looking better again after Covid, many businesses around the globe are now in the midst of a perfect storm of new challenges including a war in Europe, hyperinflation, and an energy crisis.  Our annual HLB Survey of Business Leaders confirms that risks to growth are greater than … Read More

What does Web3 mean for business?


What does Web3 mean for business?By, Chris de Mayo, HLB USA An emerging tech ecosystem – the next generation internet – is promising to really shake things up in the business world, both physically and digitally; Web3.  Surpassing any of the singular technologies we’ve seen, Web3 is less about isolated tech and more about a convergence of different technologies. Underpinning … Read More

Responsabilidad del auditor


Nuestra responsabilidad en relación con la auditoría de los estados financieros Para una mayor descripción de las responsabilidades del auditor por la auditoria de los estados financieros, descargue nuestro documento.Descarga aquíDescargue la Norma Internacional de Auditoria 200. Objetivos globales del auditor independiente y realización de la auditoría de conformidad con las normas internacionales de auditoríaDescarga aquí