Leadership in stormy times — Duplicate


Liderando a través de una tormenta perfectaBlog del  CEO de HLB, Marco Donzelli Just when we thought things were looking better again after Covid, many businesses around the globe are now in the midst of a perfect storm of new challenges including a war in Europe, hyperinflation, and an energy crisis.  Our annual HLB Survey of Business Leaders confirms that risks to growth … Read More

Leadership in stormy times


Leadership in stormy timesBlog del  CEO de HLB, Marco Donzelli Just when we thought things were looking better again after Covid, many businesses around the globe are now in the midst of a perfect storm of new challenges including a war in Europe, hyperinflation, and an energy crisis.  Our annual HLB Survey of Business Leaders confirms that risks to growth are greater than … Read More

What does Web3 mean for business?


What does Web3 mean for business?By, Chris de Mayo, HLB USA An emerging tech ecosystem – the next generation internet – is promising to really shake things up in the business world, both physically and digitally; Web3.  Surpassing any of the singular technologies we’ve seen, Web3 is less about isolated tech and more about a convergence of different technologies. Underpinning … Read More

Responsabilidad del auditor


Nuestra responsabilidad en relación con la auditoría de los estados financieros Para una mayor descripción de las responsabilidades del auditor por la auditoria de los estados financieros, descargue nuestro documento.Descarga aquíDescargue la Norma Internacional de Auditoria 200. Objetivos globales del auditor independiente y realización de la auditoría de conformidad con las normas internacionales de auditoríaDescarga aquí

Find out the latest legal and tax news for February


HLB Perú Noticias Legales y Tributarias 1. INFORME N.º 000003-2023-SUNAT/7T0000 Sunat concluye que los servicios prestados al Comité de Administración de la Zona Franca de Tacna – ZOFRATACNA por sujetos domiciliados en el resto del territorio nacional no califican como exportación de servicios para efectos del Impuesto General a las Ventas. Para mayor información descargar el Informe N.º 000003-2023-SUNAT/7T0000 aquí 2. CASACIÓN N°9469-2020-LIMA La … Read More

Future-proofing your business with ESG


Future-proofing your business with ESGBy Vijay LNarasimhan, HLB Global Sustainability Advisory Leader Companies or organisations are always looking for the best way to expand their consumer base and keep up with the times. While social media marketing can help, establishing an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy is most effective. This strategy not only helps your company by attracting a … Read More

HLB PERU AND EVERCOM SOLUTIONS sign strategic alliance


HLB PERU AND EVERCOM SOLUTIONS Sign strategic allianceOur main objective as a Firm dedicated to the field of professional services, is to provide the best services and the best advice to all our clients; because of that, We are grateful to announce to our clients and friends the subscription of an Alliance Strategic with the company EVERCOM SOLUTIONS for the implementation … Read More

Find out the latest legal and tax news for January


HLB Perú Noticias Legales y Tributarias 1. RESOLUCIÓN DE SUPERINTENDENCIA Nº 000006-2023/SUNAT Se aprueba el nuevo porcentaje requerido para determinar el límite máximo de devolución del Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo a que se refiere el Reglamento del Decreto de Urgencia N° 012-2019 y que es de aplicación para los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2022. Para mayor información descargar … Read More

E-Invoicing: The future is digital – Implementation of digital reporting requirements


E-Invoicing: The                            future is digital – Implementation of digital reporting requirementsBy Karin Korte, HLB Germanyds Driven by globalisation and the digital transformation, governments worldwide are reconsidering ways to collect tax relevant data. The primary goal is the fight against tax evasion. Countries that have already implemented digital reporting requirements recognise a significant … Read More

Implications of the War in Ukraine on the agricultural sector


Implications of the War in Ukraine on the agricultural sectorBy Arjan Mulders, HLB Netherlands The War in Ukraine, which began on the 24th of February 2022, has caused significant damage to all economic activities in the country, especially in the agriculture sector, which is a key driver of the economy at all levels. But how does the war impact the … Read More