Embracing AI for competitive advantageSince the start of the decade, business leaders have been adapting to operate in oscillating market conditions, shifting from favourable to perturbed in a matter of weeks. Geopolitical risk, resource costs, inflation, rising interest rates, and cyber security have proven to be interdependent and reciprocally damaging. However, they have also shaped a new generation of resilient, … Read More
Considerations for the formulation and monitoring of business plans
Considerations for the formulation and monitoring of business plansIn modern financial management, the concept of Economic Value Added (EVA) is the one that allows business strategies and corporate finance to be linked. Investments are made based on these strategies, and are aimed at increasing or adding value to the company. This value creation approach, used by the most successful international corporations to … Read More
Find out the latest legal and tax news for February
HLB Perú Noticias Legales y Tributarias1.LEY N° 31980 En el capítulo VIII de la norma se establece el régimen tributario especial para la inversión privada en la recuperación del Centro Histórico de Lima Para mayor detalle podrá descargar la Ley N° 31980 aquí 2.RESOLUCIÓN DE SUPERINTENDENCIA N° 000004-2024/SUNATSe aprueba el porcentaje requerido para determinar el límite máximo de devolución del Impuesto Selectivo al … Read More
Due Diligence and Business Valuation, increasingly common task
Due Diligence and Business Valuation, incrasingly common tasksGrowing is the primary objective of any company, whether in income, assets, profits, customer base or market share. Growing provides economies of scale and bargaining power, making a company more competitive. Organic growth is typical of the first phase of growth of a company that, upon consolidation, has the knowledge and financial capacity necessary … Read More
Financial challenges of growth for small and medium- sized enterprises
Financial challenges of growth for small and medium sized enterprisesGrowth is demanding of financial resources, deriving many from the liquidity problems faced by companies during this stage, from the inappropriate structuring of the financing of investments in assets and working capital, from the size of the debt contracted and/or the lack of match between the currency or currency of the … Read More
How the insurance industry is responding to climate change
How the insurance industry is responding to climate change Many insurance companies are struggling to cope with the risks of climate change and how it is likely to affect business models in the medium or long term. Despite having significant expertise in risk pooling, the major risk is that climate change could affect all primary insurance company functions. In this … Read More
COur fifth year of research: so much has changed
Our fifth year of research: so much has changed We had high hopes for a new decade when we launched our inaugural HLB Survey of Business Leaders in 2020. Since then, businesses have faced a conveyor belt of crises from wars, to energy shocks and inflation, never mind the global pandemic. Almost half-way through the decade and risk levels have … Read More
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: What does this new tax mean for global business?
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: What does this new tax mean for global business?Governments around the world struggle to address the problem of global warming, and some have tried to introduce strict measures to force down the level of carbon emissions. The European Union has now introduced the world’s first carbon … Read More
Redefining Saudi: A new economic era
Redefining Saudi: A new economic era HLB FDI Insights Saudi Arabia is strategically positioned to expand its economy and shift away from its traditional reliance on oil exploration. Amidst an environment of controlled inflation, the country is embracing structural reforms and public investment programs, setting a course for sustainable growth and enhanced global engagement. Central to this transformative journey is … Read More
Enhancing global tax transparency in real estate ownership
Enhancing global tax transparency in real estate ownership In response to a request from the Indian G20 Presidency, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has undertaken a critical examination of the state of tax transparency pertaining to foreign-owned real estate. The recently published OECD report sheds light on the current state of affairs in tax transparency, emphasising the need for enhanced information … Read More