Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive formally adopted The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) will become EU law following the European Parliament’s vote on the final text earlier this year and later approval by EU governments in the Council on 24 May. Although some consider this new law a watered-down version of the original draft, it still represents a significant advancement in corporate governance … Read More
Ciberseguridad, reporting y pymes
Cybersecurity, reporting and SMEs With technology woven through core operations, cybersecurity extends beyond mere IT department concerns in today’s businesses. Contrary to widespread belief, cyberattacks affect organisations of all sizes. SMEs, often perceived as weaker links in value chains due to limited resources, are not immune to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals target SMEs through phishing, malware, and web-based attacks to breach larger organisations … Read More
AI adoption in the Middle East and Africa
AI adoption in the Middle East and Africa Strong regional economic growth shapes a positive outlook Business leaders’ confidence in the Middle East and Africa is on the rise: 90% are confident in their ability to grow revenue this year. Of these, 47% are very confident — a twofold increase from 2021. In 2024, Africa is expected to become the … Read More
North America: Preparing for an AI-led growth cycle
North America: Preparing for an AI-led growth cycle North American business leaders are confident and resilient North American leaders are optimistic after a year of stronger-than expected macro-performance. 91% are confident in their ability to grow revenues this year — the most positive sentiment globally. Only 22% of respondents expressed the highest confidence level last year, compared with 44% this … Read More
Cybersecurity, reporting and SMEs
Cybersecurity, reporting and SMEs With technology woven through core operations, cybersecurity extends beyond mere IT department concerns in today’s businesses. Contrary to widespread belief, cyberattacks affect organisations of all sizes. SMEs, often perceived as weaker links in value chains due to limited resources, are not immune to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals target SMEs through phishing, malware, and web-based attacks to breach larger organisations … Read More
A global perspective on the economic responses to the pandemic
A global perspective on the economic responses to the pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic shook the world with unprecedented force, leading to immediate but varying damage across countries. Unfolding as an economic, social, and health crisis with severe ramifications, it has plunged the world towards a global recession. Four years later, businesses are seeking to evaluate the lasting effects of the … Read More
Leaders in APAC: Adopting AI to prosper
Leaders in APAC: Adopting AI to prosper Resilient growth amidst varied confidence The APAC region has delivered a strong recovery post-pandemic, with rapid economic expansion of domestic products and services consumption after lifting COVID restrictions. 82% of APAC leaders feel confident in their own ability to grow their revenues this year. However, confidence levels have gone down by 7% from … Read More
Te asesoramos para la elección e implementación exitosa del ERP que necesitas
Te asesoramos para la elección e implementación exitosa del ERP que necesitasLlega un momento en que las empresas, por sus necesidades de información y/o expectativas de crecimiento, deciden optar por alguna de las alternativas de solución que el mercado ofrece en sistemas de planificación de recursos (ERP por sus siglas en inglés) cuya implementación demanda un esfuerzo de inversión importante, … Read More
What is FRS 101?
What is FRS 101?FRS 101 is a framework that allows qualifying subsidiaries to benefit from a reduced disclosure requirement in their individual financial statements. This means that these entities can provide less information in their financial statements, while still complying with accounting standards. The reduced disclosure framework is available to subsidiaries that meet certain criteria, and it can help to … Read More
Utilising artificial intelligence and integrating cloud-based services to save money and time in NFPs
Utilising artificial intelligence and integrating cloud-based services to save money and time in NFPs In today’s landscape, Not-for-Profit organisations (NFPs) often face obstacles in fulfilling community needs as they navigate a highly competitive environment with limited resources and soaring demand for their services. They compete for time, attention, and funds, operating on lean budgets and often understaffed and overstretched. In addition, NFPs tend to … Read More