Is your strategy sustainable? HLB Sustainability Report 2021


Is your strategy sustainable? HLB Sustainability Report 2021peru A three-step framework to develop your sustainability strategy From the obvious physical effects of climate change such as extreme weather conditions and resource scarcity, to regulatory changes and compliance, and increased demand for sustainability from consumers: the climate crisis has a clear and direct impact on business and business costs. Our new … Read More

What skills and capabilities are we looking for in our business leaders?


What skills and capabilities are we looking for in our business leaders?peru There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment. We’re all trying to cope with change and uncertainty and many leaders are facing challenges they’ve never encountered before.  Our 2021 survey of 583 business leaders from 55 countries found that business leaders are concerned or are very concerned … Read More

We have been recognized as highly recommended in the Auditing & Accounting Firm 2022 ranking!


We have been recognized as highly recommended in the Auditing & Accounting Firm 2022 ranking!HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 peru Highly Recommended Signature in the Leaders League Ranking! Leaders League is a French publication that qualifies and recommends Firms around the world of different specialties of professional services and has considered us as a Highly Recommended Firm in “Auditing & … Read More