Customer-centric innovation: The way forward for Latin America


Customer-centric innovation: The way forward for Latin AmericaHLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 – LATAM outlook Innovation built around customer needs and market risks Latin America houses a host of rapidly-growing economies of different scales, resilience levels, and societal contexts. What unites local leaders is their staunch commitment to powering through another cycle of volatility. In 2022, 95% feel more … Read More

Innovation is critical to future-proofing the real estate and construction sector


Innovation is critical to future-proofing the real estate and construction sectorperu Key insights:  86% of real estate developers are more confident in their ability to innovate than pre-pandemic  95% cite rapid and effective innovation as critical to future growth  55% have a budget set aside to fund innovation  44% name access to emerging technologies as a key enabler for innovation  … Read More

Why now is a good time to start practising mindfulness at work


Why now is a good time to start practising mindfulness at workperu How are you getting on with your new year resolutions? After two years of the pandemic, time feels to pass by faster and January has flown by in the same rush as I promised myself I wouldn’t let happen in the new year. But there is no rule … Read More

Drivers of innovation in the manufacturing industry


Drivers of innovation in the manufacturing industryHLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 peru The pandemic was an existential threat for businesses which forced them to adapt quickly in order to survive. Much of that was achieved through technology, and now that the worst of the crisis is hopefully behind us, that readiness to embrace new ways of doing things has … Read More

Rising fraud – the impact of the global pandemic


Rising fraud – the impact of the global pandemic peru The pandemic has seen rising cases of fraud globally, with increased activity across most industry sectors using both conventional methods and rapid growth in digital fraud. Direct government intervention in national economies has pumped money into local initiatives which fraudsters have exploited for their own ends; for example the UK … Read More

Powering your innovation engine


Powering your innovation engineHLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 peru The innovation imperative The past couple of years have demonstrated how resilient, adaptable, and creative every industry has become in response to the ongoing stressors. 86% of the business leaders we have surveyed this year feel more confident in their ability to innovate as compared with pre-pandemic. This buoyant mentality … Read More

Powering your innovation engine


Powering your innovation engineHLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 peru The innovation imperative The past couple of years have demonstrated how resilient, adaptable, and creative every industry has become in response to the ongoing stressors. 86% of the business leaders we have surveyed this year feel more confident in their ability to innovate as compared with pre-pandemic. This buoyant mentality … Read More

What skills and capabilities are we looking for in our business leaders?


What skills and capabilities are we looking for in our business leaders?Marina Kooijmans, Chief People Officer peru There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment. We’re all trying to cope with change and uncertainty and many leaders are facing challenges they’ve never encountered before. Our 2021 survey of 583 business leaders from 55 countries found that business … Read More

Global energy crisis: why businesses should transition to renewable energy


Global energy crisis: why businesses should transition to renewable energyperu The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) has captured our attention in the latest news cycle. It drew attention to renewable energy, especially with the establishment of the new Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP.) The focus on this event has brought the importance of curbing emissions and … Read More

How vulnerable is the food supply chain to a cyber-attack?


How vulnerable is the food supply chain to a cyber-attack?peru Cyber-attacks on businesses are increasing, and it’s not just digital or finance businesses which are at risk. The UK government recently advised that food supply organisations are in the sights of malicious actors in cyberspace. A major ransomware attack on the world’s largest meat processor, JBS, in June 2021 extorted … Read More